There are 2 types of exfoliation Physical = uses an ingredient, or a tool, that physically scrubs dead cells from the surface of your skin. Some examples of tools are brush, sponge or cloth that you rub onto your skin. The ingredients are such as nuts, stones, plants and plant extracts. Chemical = products that contain active ingredients in it such as AHA, BHA and PHA. Do we really need to exfoliate? YES! 2 times in a week. why? sebabnya kalau kita tak exfoliate, our skin akan kusam, kasar, pori tersumbat and all. Plus, if we exfoliate our skin, the dead cells will be "remove" then the skincare products yang kita apply akan mudah serap and lebih nampak kesan How to differentiate? BHA = kulit berminyak/ berjerawat/ blackhead AHA = kulit kusam/ scars Can everyone use chemical exfoliate? NO! You cant use chemical exfoliate if: your skincare routine is not strong yet. haaa yg j...
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